
26. Don't tell your co-workers about your personal business. 26. 别跟同事说自己的私事。 27. If you are genuinely sick - DON’T COME TO WORK. 27. 如果你真的生病了,千万别去上班! 28. Always say "Thank You" and "Please" when it is appropriate to do so...

22. I'll support you either way. 不管怎样我都支持你。 23. I'm behind you 100%. 我100%支持你。 24. It's totally up to you. 我听你的。 25. It's your call. 听你的。 其他鼓励用...

2. I had a flat tire on my way to work. Flat tire就是爆胎的意思。 3. Your car broke down? Break down在汽车的世界里就是抛锚的意思。 4. It's very noisy, I'm guessing the muff...

嗯。虎嗅没变身英文站。这也不是编辑错将英文版的文章发到这里。 标题里这句话是苹果CEO库克的最新一条推文。2月24日是乔布斯诞辰60周年纪念日。库克一早在推特上写道:“怀念乔布斯,今天是乔布斯60岁诞辰。成就大事的唯一途径就是热爱自己在做的事(The only way to do...

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